LoGo DeSigN

Katy was working with us to have her own custom site designed when she realised her logo wasn’t up to purpose. She was excited to learn she could add on logo design to her package.

We began the process by booking in a consultation call where we discussed her ideas and thoughts.

Whilst learning about Katy’s business we discovered her name had been inspired by her Grandad’s garden and the beautiful blossom tree that stood next to one of his sheds. We LOVED this story and immediately recommended she focus more on this within her branding.

Her Granddad was an inspirational figure in her life and we could tell that the origin story for her business should be key in her branding.

That’s when Katy suggested she could ask her Grandad (a fine architect) to draw the garden scene as a basis for her logo.

She wanted to know if we would be able to transfer and incorporate this somehow, so we took on the challenge and transformed his sketch into the stunning logo you see to the left.

We love how this turned out, after struggling to choose between the 4 design ideas provided, we think she made a brilliant choice!

Katy wasn’t initially sure about her branding, she was running a successful Etsy store (which obviously limits branding choices) and so had come to the conclusion that her site should be very simple, with a black and white colour palette to match the look.

After our initial consultation we sent her our specialised branding questionnaire and guide, designed to help guide our clients through how to create branding and find their own voice.

After completing the process we were thrilled to find she had created the most stunning mood board filled with decadent and rich imagery and colours.

Branding Support

“I'm rethinking the plain black and white, I do like a fresh look, but personally I'm all about colour, I think I just keep going for things I think everyone else will like, or what's trendy at the time! I think I'll feel better about it if it's more "me". Thank you so much for the chat today, put a lot of stresses and worries to rest!”

-Katy Shanahan

Sleek & Elegant

Once Katy had completed her own pinterest mood board we felt like we had a much better idea of her likes and dislikes. We designed a rich colour palette but the site would remain simplistic and elegant.

We knew Katy wanted a stripped back and elegant structure and design, one that was beautiful but also functional. All sites need to consider user experience, but this applies two-fold with an e-commerce site. Considering the whole point of your website is to encourage your visitors to buy your products, you need a responsive, beautiful, easy to navigate site, right from the start.

“A friend recommended Josie and Arla, and I couldn't be more relieved! They have been amazing from start to finish. Being completely clueless with websites and anything tech in general, I feel I've not only gained a beautiful website but a whole load of knowledge and confidence. Josie and Arla worked so hard on my site and I will be forever grateful. They helped me with an amazing new logo as well as helping me find my own brand, something I've not had before. I've always been quite lacking in confidence when it comes to my business, but Josie and Arla have helped me to go with what I really love instead of what I think is "on trend", so my site and branding just feels more 'me'! I would highly recommend Josie and Arla, and after weeks of working with me I'm going to miss them!”