Everyone should aspire to give themselves a chance, to take that next big step towards their goals

A Seed iS PlaNteD…

We used to sit at a desk and dream of utilising our skills differently, to directly influence our own success rather than clock-watching the day away and earning money for somebody else.

We always knew there was something better out there to spend our precious time on. However, building a new business involves a lot of hard work, grit, and determination. Start-up costs can be high and there is a lot of personal risk and investment involved, change can be scary and here are Opal Sky Digital Designs we really understand why! That is why we created a digital design company whose foundations were built upon affordability and personalisation.

We want to help others to CONNECT with their business ideas, see them TRANSFORM from a DREAM to REALITY and feel that overwhelming sense of pride in their ACHieVeMENTS

A bit about us

Arla began her creative journey like most artists through colour, painting, and imagination.

Throughout her school journey, she began experimenting with styles, textures, patterns, and different concepts of design.

Having a rather unconventional upbringing within a school structured upon Buddhist traditions she developed different values and aspirations and was always encouraged to follow these and be herself no matter what.

“When I was finally given the opportunity to pursue a passion of my choice full-time, I decided to study performance art at university.” 

The broad subject allowed her to spread her metaphorical wings and begin to really let her creativity run wild. . 

"“I focused on how colours, textures and other aesthetics can affect our moods and thoughts. This culminated in my final degree show being a sensory installation designed to take the user through a journey of relaxation, meditation, and reflection. I learnt how distinct aspects of creation can subconsciously influence people in numerous ways, and this subject always fascinated me.”

Josie had a rather different start to life, she grew up in an urban jungle where most people had conventional aspirations and she didn’t see much opportunity or excitement around her.

By the time she reached secondary school she felt drawn to art and movement. She played sports and was extremely active but also loved to sit and draw or paint for hours.

She pursued both her passions but found that the schooling environment was too regimented and restrictive for her. She wanted to be creative, but free to pursue the areas of art that she wanted rather than following a syllabus, this unfortunately, led to her abandoning the idea of a creative career.

After building herself a successful career in travel, where she learnt an array of useful skills and enjoyed her role, she still couldn’t picture her future working that same job until retirement and only living for two days a week.

She explored many different ideas and opportunities but none of them felt quite right until she landed upon digital design and coding.

“I love solving problems, I have tried my hand at management and systems development, but there is nothing like designing a website from start to finish and then fixing all those little bugs with custom coding. I call it coding  ‘computer magic’ and knowing I am providing such value to our client whilst doing something I actually enjoy is priceless This business has given us the freedom to live life again, working remotely has always been a dream of mine, and helping others to do the same is just an incredible feeling

“I had to defeat that inner critic and try to use self-belief and inspiration as encouragement”

A year or so later we were beginning to pursue a life travelling full time whilst working on the road remotely and we realised this was our chance to finally TRUST in ourselves and try to make this our CAREER path.

Every one of us has been there, whether running a multimillion-dollar company or a small Etsy business, we have all felt that initial trepidation in going at it alone. We found this challenging work, as many do, and that is why we personally understand the journey many of our clients are on with their businesses.   

We began working with coaches and other business professionals to network, learn and expand

Fast forward to today and we now run a successful web design business that is ever-expanding and growing alongside us!

We hope we can help you to do the same.