Holistic Birthkeeper

Supporting women to claim radical responsibility in pregnancy, birth and beyond

Mia approached us after a recommendation from a friend and wanted to work together to create a website that captured the essence of her brand. We spoke about her vision for the website and what she offered as part of her work, she sent us some examples of other web designs she loved and we began brainstorming together on initial layouts, colours and typography.

We loved Mia’s way of empowering parents to have the confidence to make their own choices, her knowledge and presence really helped us to create a striking and beautiful website. We are delighted to have helped her create a site that will grow alongside her and her business and help spread a powerful and incredible message to others!


the homepage

My name is Mia, Birthkeeper and creator of Village Birth. I am a Mother, a lover, a champion of physiological birth and passionate about women stepping into their power
— Mia Hill

Mia wanted to ensure that her homepage informed her visitors of all the important things without needing to navigate to another page. We incorporated a scrolling webpage with a dedicated section for each component. Her homepage is a beautiful example of how you can ensure your clients get a feel for your brand. This page allows her to introduce herself as the owner, showcase new sessions, display testimonials and begin building a community with her clients!

Women's Wisdom






Women's Wisdom 〰️ Power 〰️ Knowledge 〰️


During the consultation process, we ask clients about any existing systems they use and would like integrated into their new website. Village Birth worked with Flodesk - a creative third party handling marketing emails and wanted to continue using this as they had a lot of templates and emails already designed there. We used custom coding to integrate Flodesk with the Squarespace platform so that when new clients signed up through Mia’s website their information would seamlessly feed through to the Flodesk platform.

UX Design

In the case of Mia’s website she had a number of classes to offer her clients and wanted them to be able to navigate to the class most relevant to them instantly. We created a dedicated section at the top of the page allowing users to see all the different class titles with ease, then we used custom coding to make the titles active links which would direct the user straight down the page to the relevant section. This is a useful technique to allow visitors to your site to quickly find and navigate to the information they require, leading to more bookings and enquiries!

UX design refers to ‘user experience’ and is an imperative part of modern web design. The idea is to design with a human first approach trying to identify and eliminate the pain points of any design. When showcasing numerous services there is often a wealth of information held on one page. Each person visiting that page may be there for a different reason and it is our job to help them zone in on the information relevant to them to optimise their experience. No one likes scrolling through reams of information irrelevant to their cause and this can often lead to loss of interest and ‘drop offs’ (essentially users give up and leave your site).

"Working with Opal Sky Digital Designs to create my website has been such an enjoyable experience. From beginning to end they have shown the utmost care and attention to detail, answered all my questions and helped bring to life the website I was envisioning for my business."